
歡迎訪問北京愛萬提斯科技有限公司--Avantes網(wǎng)站 手機(jī):13521900339
新聞資訊 / news information 您的位置:網(wǎng)站首頁 > 新聞資訊 > 走進(jìn)Avantes | 2023年度全球代理商大會(huì)

走進(jìn)Avantes | 2023年度全球代理商大會(huì)

點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):3195 更新時(shí)間:2023-04-11


We are excited to share that the annual Avantes Distributor Meeting was a huge success! Representatives from 32 countries joined us for two days of workshops, presentations, and activities. It was great to catch up with familiar faces and make new connections.

We are grateful to everyone who participated and helped make the event so memorable. It was amazing to see so many distributors from all corners of the globe in one place, and we're already looking forward to next year's event!

在線客服 聯(lián)系方式 二維碼




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